CSW Project SEED Workshop

Contributed by Allison Aldridge, Project SEED Coordinator

CSW’s Project SEED committee held a scientific writing and presentation workshop to help prepare our Project SEED Fellows for the Project SEED poster session at the 254th National ACS Meeting during Sci Mix.  The workshop was held on July 22nd at ACS Headquarters from 9:00am – noon.  Dr. Steven Metallo, associate professor at Georgetown University, provided information on poster presentations as well as technical writing tips for their final reports.  The fellows were asked to bring outlines of their research to the workshop.  After the presentation, Project SEED committee members and mentors met one-on-one to answer questions and provide tips for drafting their posters.  The workshop was very well received by the Fellows and received favorable evaluations from all who attended.

Please help CSW keep our Project SEED program strong by donating to the Noel Turner Fund.  The national program and our local section financially support the Project SEED program.  Checks payable to the Noel Turner Fund can be sent to the CSW Local Section Office, 1155 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036.