WAS Accepting Nominations for Awards

The Washington Academy of Sciences has presented several prestigious awards in several areas to local scientists, engineers and educators since 1940. Nominations are now open for the 2018 awards, and the deadline by e-mail is March 1, 2018.

WAS will consider nominations submitted in any scientific or engineering discipline, including biological sciences, engineering, mathematics and computer science, physical sciences, behavioral and social sciences, and health sciences, in the following categories:

Distinguished Career Award – To recognize people who have had a significant impact on any scientific or engineering discipline. This is a lifetime achievement award.

Excellence in Research Award – To recognize people for outstanding research contributions in any scientific or engineering discipline.

Leadership Award – To recognize an individual in the government or industry for outstanding leadership in advancing science or engineering.

Teaching Awards – To recognize people for their excellence in teaching. There are three types of teaching awards: 1) Krupsaw Award for Non-Traditional Teaching; 2) Lamberton Award for Teaching of Science in High School; 3) Leo Schubert Award for Teaching of Science in College.

The details of the nomination process can be found at: http://www.washacadsci.org/awards-and-events/awards/latest-awards/
… read to the bottom of that web page for submission information.